Monday, March 14, 2016

Blog 12 : Definition and Classification

             On Monday 14 March  I studied unit 7 "Definition and Classification". I studied the text about the definition markers , classification markers , technical terms , and definitions. The writer used classification to general concepts into a number of different types. Identifying and understanding texts that contain definition and classification would help my academic reading. I studied about examples and explanation. 

This was classification of plant kingdom.

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Next,I studied about definition markers and it included  to be , to define , to refer to , i.e. , in other word , and add comma
between a technical term and its defining noun or noun phrase : __,__. It would help me identify  technical terms and meanings.
 1. To be 
 2. To define 
State or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of:- The contract will seek to define the client’s obligations.

 3. To refer to 
(refer to) Mention or allude to:- Her mother never referred to him again.- The Royal Navy is referred to as the Senior Service.

 4. i.e. 
That is to say (used to add explanatory information or to state something in different words):- A walking boot which is synthetic, i.e. not leather.

 5. In other word 

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I studied about classification markers and it included  to categorize , to classify , to distinguish , to divide , to group,
category, class , component , division, group , kind, part, section, sort , and type. It would help me identify  the general
concepts and its types. categorize 
Place in a particular class or group:silk is categorized as a luxury import

2. to classify 
Arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics:- mountain peaks are classified according to their shape.-These shares are classified by their back-end or contingent deferred sales charge.

3. to distinguish 
Recognize or treat (someone or something) as different:- The child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy.

4. to divide 
Separate or be separated into parts:Consumer magazines can be divided into a number of categories.

5. to group
Put in a group or groups or put into categories; classify:-Three chairs were grouped around a table.- Molluscs are grouped into seven different classes.

6. category
A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics:-The various categories of research.

7. class 
A set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality:-It has good accommodation for a hotel of this class.-A new class of heart drug.

8. component 
A part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle:- An assembly plant for imported components.- Hydrogen is a component of all organic compounds.

9. division
The action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated:- The division of the land into small fields.- A gene that helps regulate cell division.

10. group 
A number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together:- A group of boys approached.- The bulbs should be planted in groups.

11. kind
A group of people or things having similar characteristics:- All kinds of music.- More data of this kind would be valuable.

12. part
An amount or section which, when combined with others, makes up the whole of something:- Divide the circle into three equal parts.

13. section
Any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up:- I unscrewed every section of copper pipe, from the roof tank to the hot-water cylinder.

14. sort 
A category of things or people with a common feature; a type:- If only we knew the sort of people she was mixing with.- A radical change poses all sorts of questions.

15. type
category of people or things having common characteristics:- This type of heather grows better in a drier habitat.

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          finally , I studied about skill practice 1 , skill practice 2 , and skill practice 3. I studied about draw a diagram showing
the classification. I thought studied the text about  definition markers was  easy. But I  thought studied about classification markers was  difficult. The best way to got into reading was simply to read freely and practiced  from the News or novels. This practice helped me develop a feel for writing. 
My attitudes towards the lesson was not  easy. 

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