Sunday, March 6, 2016

Blog 10 : Cause and Effect

       On Sunday 6 March  I studied unit six "Cause and Effect".
Cause and Effect is used to show how the facts or concepts result. Words that signal this type of text structure are because, since, therefore, if...then, as a result of, thus, and hence. It may be used to represent the relationship between the causes and effects.

I wrote cause and effect about global warming. The cause of global warming were Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants, we were increasing the used of fossil fuels for transportation , the increased in the amount of concentrated livestock production, deforestation, especially tropical forests for wood, pulp, and farmland ,and then  we were increasing the use of chemical fertilizers.

 The effect of global warming were  an increase in sea levels worldwide , the severity of storms such as hurricanes and cyclones was increasing , it would  be the spread of desertification , massived crop failures, the extinction of more than a million species, disappearance of coral reefs.
it was a severe danger for ocean ecosystems.

      Next , I studied cause and effect about people get sick. 
I wrote cause and effect about the problem  in class. The cause of problem were some irresponsible students make messes with their gum and it was a distraction. The effect 
of problem was student were not allowed chew gum in my 
class. I studied  cause and effect markers. It included 

 1. Because / Because of
The difference between these two words is that because is followed by a subject + verb, and because of is followed by a noun:
- The game was canceled because of the rain.
- The game was canceled because it was raining.
In spoken English, many people say ’cause as a short form of “because.”

2. Due to / Owing to
Due to and owing to are also followed by a noun. These words are a little more formal.
- There’s a lot of traffic today due to the upcoming holiday.
(holiday = noun)
- The after-school program was canceled owing to lack of interest from the students.

(lack = noun)

3. Due to the fact that / Owing to the fact that
Use these phrases before a subject + verb. Again, these phrases are a little more formal.
- Many people are still unemployed due to the fact that the economic recovery has been slower than anticipated.

- The publisher rejected the author’s latest work owing to the fact that the manuscript was full of errors.

4. Since / As
Since and as are more informal, and they are followed by a subject + verb.
I’m going to bed at 10 PM since I need to get up early tomorrow morning.
I didn’t go to the gym today, as I had a lot of homework to do.

5.Therefore / Consequently / As a result

These words are more formal, and are more commonly used in written English.
- Our company’s profits have increased 150% in the past year. Therefore, we’re going to invest in new equipment and training programs.
- The tennis player had knee surgery mid-October; consequently, she took the rest of the season off.

- There have been heavy rains throughout the interior of the state. As a result, several areas have experienced flooding.

6. So
“So” is more informal, and more commonly used in spoken English.

- We were hungry, so we stopped at a cafe for a snack.

Finally , I thought wrote the cause and effect about global warming was very easy. But I  thought studied about  cause and effect markers was difficult. The best way to got into reading was simply to read freely and practiced  from the News or novels. This practice helped me develop a feel for writing. My attitudes towards the lesson was not  easy.

References :


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