Monday, April 4, 2016

Blog 16 : Learning Reflectiontion


               Today  I've  studied the End of course A Discourse Approach in Reading. I practice skills  reading  for detailed information , reading for specific information , reading for general idea and scanning text  ,skimming text , writing main idea, writing the topic sentence.

               I study  the many story  namely  recount, narrative, description, procedure, comparison and contrast, cause/ effect, definition, classification, exemplification, and problem solving. After that, I studied about recount and I could write the topic and main ideas of the story and identify genre of text /discourse markers and said with friends about writing for recount.

         I studied about narrative and I could  identify genre of text and analyse the structure of the text and shared about ideas/opinion after reading the story. I studied about description that I could analyse text organization and identify discourse markers.I studied about procedure and I could rearrange scrambled sentence in a chronological order, write a cohesive procedural text. 


I studied about comparison and contrast that I could analyse similarities and differences of text and write a cohesive paragraph of comparison and contrasts. I studied about cause/effect that I could identify cause/effect and cause/ effect discourse markers. I studied about definition & classification that I could identify text genre and analyse its structure.
I studied about exemplification that I could identify topic and main idea. I studied about problem solving that I could analyse its organization and also I could write the title of the story , the sentence explaining the main idea of passage and write solution and problem.

           I thought, studied about recount was very easy. But I  thought  problem solving was difficult. The best way to get into reading is simply to  read freely and practice write main idea from the News or novels. This practice helps me develop a feel for writing. I should learn to read simply by reading a lot at an appropriate level.It could improve my reading skills speaking skills and writing skills. It could build fundamental vocabulary and grammar knowledge.  It could provide a very strong foundation on which to build all language skills.

My attitudes towards the lesson was I never feel confident when I was faced with a variety of reading task in and outside of class. Since middle school I realized, that reading, no matter in what language, was one of my weakest subjects in school. Especially academic writing represents always a challenge for me. It was not only time consuming, but also a lot of work. For example, when reading about topics I was not familiar. So I must read a lot of English almost every day for myself.

References :


Blog 15 (continuous) : Problem and Solution

             On Monday 4 April  I studied unit 9 "Problem and Solution ".  I studied  writing the title of the story , the sentence explaining the main idea of the passage. next , I studied writing  problem and solution graphic organizer.

This was steps to solve a problem.

       Next, I studied that the first passage  was  machine gun. The  title of this passage  was How to address machine gun overheat and malfunction and main idea  of passage was The machine gun overheat and malfunction can be addressed in a number of ways.I studied that the second passage  was  Amnesia. The  title of this passage  was How to prevent Amnesia and main idea  of passage was  you can improve your memory though diet.

This was the problem solving loop.


      Next, I studied that the third passage  was  Road Accident.  The title of this passage  was How to prevent Road Accidents Raising the minimum driving age and main idea  of passage was  we can prevent Road Accidents by Raising the minimum driving  age.
I studied that the fourth passage  was  Road Accident [Bicycles]. The title of this passage  was How to  Save Cyclists from Road Accidents  and main idea  of passage was we can prevent cyclists from Road Accidents by putting in bike lanes.

After that , I studied about the Industrial Revolution and production of robots.The problem that people made their own things by hand was Only one item could be made at a time.The Industrial Revolution solve that problem by factories used machines for mass production and when just 
one person made an object and it sometime meant using a different tool for each task. The mass production problem was some workers were bored doing one thing over and over
and the quality of products fell.solution problem of robots was load and unload heavy items, weld metal parts together, and mix dangerous chemicals.

This was problem solving model.

source :

Finally ,  I though that writing  problem and solution graphic organizer was easy. But I  thought studied about writing the title of the story was  difficult. The best way to got into reading was simply to read freely and practiced  from the News or novels. This practice helped me develop a feel for writing. My attitudes towards the lesson was not  easy. 

References :                                        

Monday, March 28, 2016

ฺBlog 14 : Problem and Solution

              On Monday 28 March  I studied unit 9 "Problem and Solution ". I studied that " Problem and Solution was pattern of organization where information in a passage was expressed  as a dilemma or concerning issue (a problem) and something that was ,can be, or should be done to remedy this issue (solution or attempted solution)." 
            I studied that "as cause and effect passages do not propose solution but rather just explain why or how they happen".

Source :

            Next,I studied problem about teen pregnancies and solution included birth control and abstinence.I studied about signal words and it included propose , solution, approach, answer, issue, problem, problematic, remedy , prevention, prevent, solve , handle, and fix. 

Source :

           After that I studied about the language of problem-solution and included problem markers and solution markers. It made that you would find in your academic reading. 

I studied about  using problem markers.

1. burden 
A load, typically a heavy one:
- The burden of establishing that the authority had misused its            powers rests upon the prosecution.

2. challenge
A call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength:

- He accepted the challenge.

3. complication
A circumstance that complicates something; a difficulty:

- There is a complication concerning ownership of the site.

4. concern
Relate to; be about:

- The story concerns a friend of mine.

5. conflict
A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one:

- The eternal conflict between the sexes.

6. crisis
A time of intense difficulty or danger:

- The current economic crisis.

Source :

7. danger
The possibility of suffering harm or injury:

- His life was in danger.

8. deficiency
A lack or shortage:

- Deficiencies in material resources.

9. difficulty
The state or condition of being difficult:

- Guy had no difficulty in making friends.

10. dilemma
A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable:
The dilemma of a choice between chaos and injustice is perhaps very real.

A disagreement or argument:

- A territorial dispute between the two countries.

12. excess
An amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable:

- Are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life?

Source :

13. hardship
Severe suffering or privation:

-Intolerable levels of hardship.

14. issue
An important topic or problem for debate or discussion:
Resolving the abduction issue is an urgent matter.

15. lack
The state of being without or not having enough of something:

- There is no lack of entertainment aboard ship.

16. mystery
Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain:

The mysteries of outer space.

17. obstacle
A thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress:
- The major obstacle to achieving that goal is money.

18. problem
A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome:

- They have financial problems.

19. puzzle
Cause (someone) to feel confused because they cannot understand something:

- She was puzzled by the doctor’s manner.

20. risk
A situation involving exposure to danger:

- Flouting the law was too much of a risk.

21. setback
A reversal or check in progress:

- A serious setback for the peace process.

22. shortage
A state or situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts:
- The problems of land shortage in the countryside.

23. threat
A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done:
- Members of her family have received death threats.

24. trouble
Difficulty or problems:

- I had trouble finding somewhere to park.

Source :

I studied about  using solution markers.

1. to address
Write the name and address of the intended recipient on (an envelope, letter, or parcel):

-I addressed my letter to him personally.

2. to alleviate
Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe:
- He couldn’t prevent her pain, only alleviate it.

3. to answer
Say or write something as a reaction to someone or something:
- She answered that she would take nothing but the ring.

4. to cope with
(Of a person) deal effectively with something difficult:

- His ability to cope with stress.

5. to deal with
 (deal with) Take measures concerning (someone or something), especially with the intention of putting something right:
- The government had been unable to deal with the economic crisis.

Source :

6. to ease
Make (something unpleasant or intense) less serious or severe:

- A huge road-building programmer to ease congestion.

7. to improve
Make or become better:

 - Efforts to improve relations between the countries.

8. to overcome
Succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty):

- He overcame his pain for a time.

9. to relieve
Cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious:

- The drug was used to promote sleep and to relieve pain.

10. to remedy
Set right (an undesirable situation):

-Money will be given to remedy the poor funding of nurseries.

Source :

11. to resolve
Settle or find a solution to (a problem or contentious matter):
- The firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days.

12. to respond
Say something in reply:
- She could not get Robert to respond to her words.

13. to settle
Resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem):

- The unions have settled their year-long dispute with Hollywood producer.

14. to solve
Find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with (a problem or mystery):

- The policy could solve the town’s housing crisis.

15. to tackle
Make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task):

- Police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crime.

16. relief
A feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress:

- Much to her relief, she saw the door open.

17. remedy
A medicine or treatment for a disease or injury:

- Herbal remedies for aches and pains.

18. resolution
A firm decision to do or not to do something:

- She kept her resolution not to see Anne any more.

19. response
A verbal or written answer:

- There was laughter at his response to the question.

20. solution
A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation:

- There are no easy solutions to financial and marital problems.

Source :

    Finally ,  I though that problem about teen pregnancies was easy. But I  thought studied about using solution markers was  difficult. The best way to got into reading was simply to read freely and practiced  from the News or novels. This practice helped me develop a feel for writing. My attitudes towards the lesson was not  easy. 

References :


Monday, March 21, 2016

Blog 13 : Exemplification

  On Monday 21 March  I studied unit 8 "Exemplification"
Exemplification writing used specific, vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain. 
Good examples were logically related to topic. The author's intended meaning, difficult concepts, or unfamiliar ideas were made known and clearly understood.

This was Exemplification Writing

                 I studied about  using abbreviations and transitions in exemplification text included 

1.  f.e./e.g.--> for example
2.  i.e. --> that is (to say ); in other words
3.  viz.--> namely ; it is /they are
4.  e.g. There are four language skills ,viz. listening , speaking,
     reading and writing.
5.  to illustrate
6.  to demonstrate
7.  specifically
8.  for instance
9.  as an illustration
10. for example
11.  an illustration of this
12. a case in point is
13. another instance of
14. another example of
15. another illustration of
16. here are a few examples

This was the meaning of exemplification.

Source :

                 Next, I wrote the diagram of  text College Students' Pressures and searched  exemplification markers in this text.

I studied about the text Fun Things to Do in Great Falls and 
the text included many activities  such as play in water , play
basketball, watching movies, watch car racing, feed giant fish,
feed ducks , play outdoor equipment , go fishing, throw horseshoes , skateboard , have a picnic ,and see the view.

After that I studied about the text 3 and the topic sentence was used the plural word hazards to signal an exemplification
paragraph follows.In this exemplification paragraph, some subtopics included extended examples with more secondary
details than other subtopics.The examples of hazards in the 
home that jeopardize a child's safety included some houseplants, all chemical products, furniture, automatic garage door, curtain cords ,and electrical outlets.

How to write an Exemplification Essay.

Source :

Finally ,  I though that wrote the diagram of  text College Students' Pressures was  easy. But I  thought studied about  the text 3 was  difficult. The best way to got into reading was simply to read freely and practiced  from the News or novels. This practice helped me develop a feel for writing. 
My attitudes towards the lesson was not  easy. 

References :

Monday, March 14, 2016

Blog 12 : Definition and Classification

             On Monday 14 March  I studied unit 7 "Definition and Classification". I studied the text about the definition markers , classification markers , technical terms , and definitions. The writer used classification to general concepts into a number of different types. Identifying and understanding texts that contain definition and classification would help my academic reading. I studied about examples and explanation. 

This was classification of plant kingdom.

Source :

Next,I studied about definition markers and it included  to be , to define , to refer to , i.e. , in other word , and add comma
between a technical term and its defining noun or noun phrase : __,__. It would help me identify  technical terms and meanings.
 1. To be 
 2. To define 
State or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of:- The contract will seek to define the client’s obligations.

 3. To refer to 
(refer to) Mention or allude to:- Her mother never referred to him again.- The Royal Navy is referred to as the Senior Service.

 4. i.e. 
That is to say (used to add explanatory information or to state something in different words):- A walking boot which is synthetic, i.e. not leather.

 5. In other word 

Source :

Source :

I studied about classification markers and it included  to categorize , to classify , to distinguish , to divide , to group,
category, class , component , division, group , kind, part, section, sort , and type. It would help me identify  the general
concepts and its types. categorize 
Place in a particular class or group:silk is categorized as a luxury import

2. to classify 
Arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics:- mountain peaks are classified according to their shape.-These shares are classified by their back-end or contingent deferred sales charge.

3. to distinguish 
Recognize or treat (someone or something) as different:- The child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy.

4. to divide 
Separate or be separated into parts:Consumer magazines can be divided into a number of categories.

5. to group
Put in a group or groups or put into categories; classify:-Three chairs were grouped around a table.- Molluscs are grouped into seven different classes.

6. category
A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics:-The various categories of research.

7. class 
A set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality:-It has good accommodation for a hotel of this class.-A new class of heart drug.

8. component 
A part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle:- An assembly plant for imported components.- Hydrogen is a component of all organic compounds.

9. division
The action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated:- The division of the land into small fields.- A gene that helps regulate cell division.

10. group 
A number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together:- A group of boys approached.- The bulbs should be planted in groups.

11. kind
A group of people or things having similar characteristics:- All kinds of music.- More data of this kind would be valuable.

12. part
An amount or section which, when combined with others, makes up the whole of something:- Divide the circle into three equal parts.

13. section
Any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up:- I unscrewed every section of copper pipe, from the roof tank to the hot-water cylinder.

14. sort 
A category of things or people with a common feature; a type:- If only we knew the sort of people she was mixing with.- A radical change poses all sorts of questions.

15. type
category of people or things having common characteristics:- This type of heather grows better in a drier habitat.

Source :

          finally , I studied about skill practice 1 , skill practice 2 , and skill practice 3. I studied about draw a diagram showing
the classification. I thought studied the text about  definition markers was  easy. But I  thought studied about classification markers was  difficult. The best way to got into reading was simply to read freely and practiced  from the News or novels. This practice helped me develop a feel for writing. 
My attitudes towards the lesson was not  easy. 

References :